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01162 883030
Knighton Day Nursery, 559 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 6FN
Being outside means the children can experience all that nature has to offer - ever changing weather, wildlife and the insect world. It gives them the opportunity to explore and develop their skills on a large scale, in our spacious outdoor area.
The nature kitchen is where children can mix up delicious dishes or make magical potions often using plants and flowers we have grown ourselves. The children practice important social interactions including co-operation, negotiation, communication and sharing as they work together in the kitchen creating flower perfume or perfecting a mud pie.
Children learn about planting, growing and caring for vegetables, fruit and herbs in our gardening area, carefully watering and nurturing them until they're ready to harvest. We all enjoy eating our nursery grown produce!
Risks can be physical, for example, attempting a new climbing challenge, but also emotional when we do something that may be scary for us such as trying a new experience for the first time. The adventure play area presents new challenges for children as they test their balancing and climbing skills, building confidence and feeling a sense of achievement when they climb higher or jump further.